1. People tend towards talking about things in absolute terms because doing otherwise requires more energy-consuming real estate in the brain.
2. Some people live according to a fortress of rules that they build for themselves.
Combining 1 + 2 can yield resolute resolve across a myriad of topics, currency chief among them, such as this scrooge-tainted mandate:
Restrict money coming in from particular revenue streams to being spent only on related expenses. For example, from tomato sales at the local Farmer’s Market, buy materials for a greenhouse expansion. But the relation between revenue stream and expense need not be so direct. The relation could be as weak as hinging on a word’s multiple definitions: from the cash collected mowing neighbors’ lawns, you buy an eighth of grass.
I think I probably stumbled across this idea through the strategy I strive for when playing warfish. I like to allocate to a particular continent bonus armies obtained as a consequence of occupying that entire continent. Publicly sharing warfish strategy doesn’t concern me because my opponents should know this could all be misinformation.
Alas, it’s not long before the mischievous twins, Dirty & Rhyme, conspire to spoil the good fun with a twisted one: use money earned donating sperm to purchase fucking time with a prostitute. Afterwards, lay there with yarbles destitute.
Or two, one less than too few: set aside funds coming in from payments of child support to press charges in court against the man who made you a victim of chikan, the one who softened you by pretending to be on the girls gone wild film crew.