Just now while walking home from school I was overcome with a strong sense that today was Friday. Though I normally welcome fridays with open arms, on this occasion I was discouraged because it would mean I’m 48hrs more behind on assignments than I already am. Then, after a few seconds, I was relieved to discover that today is Wednesday.
I save best things for last. This usually is inconsequential in terms of productivity and goes unnoticed by people around me unless they’re very observant, and I do it because it’s a source of enjoyment. For example, I’ll first pick out and eat all the cooked carrot slices in the pasta sauce so that I can enjoy the rest of my dinner without fear of biting down on a gross cooked carrot slice. It doesn’t really fucking matter whether I eat all the carrots first or eat everything all together like most people.
So here’s an example of where my preference to save best things for last is a hindrance. I much prefer textbook analytical problem solving homework to laboratories. The ambiguity of labs and the expressionless face that is the lab report template combine to form a most toxic slurry that I’m forced to drink 3 times a week. Textbook homework is assigned 1 week in advance. I can’t work on these assignments during the first 6 days because I’m busy procrastinating lab reports. What’s happened is, in the interest of saving my textbook homework assignments for last, I don’t start them till maybe a day before they’re due. This used to work, but doesn’t anymore. It’s either not enough time or I have a question about something or usually both. It’s obvious I have to start my textbook homework soon after it’s assigned, even with lab reports weighing on my shoulders, as uncomfortable as that will be. It’s going to be like thoroughly mixing the cooked carrot slices with everything. I want to vomit.