A few weeks ago I had the option of going to a party but when invited declined because I had homework. This would’ve been fine, except that when my friends’ responses were the typical “ah shucks, that sux” I reassured them that I was actually looking forward to working on it. This they didn’t understand.
Oh, I certainly know why homework is often cast in a negative light among students, and I completely agree that much of the homework assigned throughout elementary and high school was stupid sick shite. But when it comes to avoiding upper division university assignments, there’s reason to be concerned. I’ll use quotations to put it another way. “Wait, so you’re saying you dislike doing the coursework you’re required to do to get a degree in the profession of your choosing? I would take that to be a warning sign that I had chosen the wrong major.”
Banking on the inkling that your university coursework will be nothing like the work you do when you get out of academia isn’t worth the risk. Don’t make career decisions based on salaries. Decide what kind of work you’d be most excited to get out of bed for every morning.
This post is eerily close to advice giving, which I apologize for, and which makes me feel old.