I have a problem with bullets in animals that will be eaten, and it’s not the anti-hunter argument you might expect. It’s a selfish problem. I imagine the bullet introducing toxins into the body upon piercing the skin. Hot metal shards, oil residues, powders from the gun barrel etc. and my fear applies to more than just the meat that is within a small radius of the bullet’s trajectory and final resting place. That would be too simple. No, I essentially write off the whole animal as wasted because tainted blood gets pumped everywhere by a heart which continues beating long enough to send the red stuff through at least one full cycle, poisoning every tiny capillary like a polluted river. This fear is made worse when the ammunition used is buck shot, as is common with bird hunting, because there are more sources of contamination. I would prefer big game be killed with chiseled rock arrowheads, which, in addition to avoiding the problem described above, is pleasantly closer to what people have been doing for ages. But then Trista makes something delicious with moose and I easily ignore what I’ve just written!
Eating Birch Trees Indirectly