What’s up with toothbrush bristles dyed blue? The so-called “indicator”? “Hello, toothbrush strategic management personnel? I’m quite capable of knowing when I need a new toothbrush without relying on an indicator fading in color.” They must be getting a payoff from someone in order to offset the increased production costs associated with an extra “blue-dye” process. Maybe the dye is slightly toxic, accumulating in the body and remaining peacefully dormant until the people paying off the toothbrush manufacturers require that the substance unleash its toxic effects in a gruesome internal poison explosion. So, for instance, maybe the governments of the world are the toothbrush indicator backers and if ever a country’s population was threatening to overthrow their rulers, the threatened could activate the blue-dye toxins by emitting a certain frequency from a speaker or releasing some substance into the air that when inhaled would react with the minute amount of dye in each of the trillions of cells that make up the body and result in an inability to hold up signs and shout in protest. The backers would only have to be sure not to mistakenly use toothbrushes with indicators. An easy way to determine who is paying off the manufacturers to add indicators to the bristles is to track who uses non-indicator brushes.
Mouth’s Clean