So I drank some absinthe today and while under the influence I wondered what the optimal state of mind for learning or remembering things is. Maybe if you study while smashed, you’ll know the information better when you sober up than if you had studied it sober. No doubt, the success of this method depends in large part on what substance(s) you’re getting smashed with. To obtain reliable results, a large study group would need to be assembled and made to get shitfaced with various drugs and made to learn something new. The optimal state of mind would be evidenced by those who best retained the information a few days later when sober. Or, it might be that information learned in one state of mind tends to stay in that state of mind. So that if you learned some variable quantity ‘xgs’ about some subject when you were on ES Vicodin, you would best be able to expound upon ‘xgs’ when you were again under the influence of ES Vicodin and not, as one might guess, when you were sober.
A Lucid Drunk