There are plenty of ways to make some money on the side. How about this one: send unsolicited COD packages to random strangers. Charge approx. $20, not so much that the receivers will refuse to accept but not so little that it isn’t worth your while. Of course, there will always be some who will refuse to accept anything that they had not been expecting. This personality trait is enforced by things like anthrax scares. But you can keep costs low so that a few refusals don’t threaten the total revenue. For starters, fill the package with something that costs you nothing and doesn’t take long to collect (a few small rocks or a handful of grasses for example). For your own amusement you might even print out a note elaborately describing that the package’s contents are very rare and far more valuable than the bargain price that the receiver paid. Writing a thoughtful, professional looking page with even a false seal of approval logo is justified because despite the moderate effort necessary to put it together, after it is finished its content will never expire and printing out as many copies as you need is effortless (and free if using university provided paper/printers). Moreover, the kinds of people who would believe the page of fluff are the same kinds of people who would pay $20 to take home an unexpected COD package. Shipping costs can be eliminated by passing the charges to a university department. The gullibility and ignorance of a great many Americans, coupled with the capitalist consumerism culture, ensures that this perfectly legal scheme is monetarily worth your while.
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