I can’t stand the idea, which some people take for granted, that the dangerousness of a drug has a correlation with the severity of the punishment dealt to individuals who have broken the laws which prohibit the drug’s use. In fact I’m so at odds with this mind stance that I doubt if I could ever bring myself to debate a person who feels this way. as far as I’m concerned, they’re too far gone to ever consider my views seriously, and for that matter, they probably feel the vice-versa is true. I think they have more respect for the government than is healthy. They trust that if a drug is in the legal category, it is doubtless safer than any illegal drug. A quick way to poke a hole in this notion is to consider that different states have different drug laws. Also consider these laws are always being molded to reflect the current degree of drug hysteria in the popuation. Or recall that fun little time in american history called prohibition. Was alcohol outlawed due to the results of some research which proved it was a more dangerous drug than previously believed? And was prohibition later abolished because these results were subsequently discovered to be bullshit? Fuck no! Alcohol’s influence on the body is the same today as it ever was, it’s the drug legislation that’s being passed which is always in flux. But I don’t want to end on flux. I want to end on an obscenity and exclamation mark. So…fuck no!
Government Drug Agents